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  • Tamara Monáe

Updated: Sep 19, 2022

I've decided that it is about time I step back into my world of blogging/ writing or rambling whichever you prefer haha, it has been a while and life can get in the way but following my passions is s on my 2022 agenda ( Yes we are In July) but as I like to say, it is never too late!

I recently visited Cologne, Germany: Home of the first Eau de Cologne, The largest ( and most beautiful) Gothic Cathedral in Europe and Schnitzel good enough you'd contemplate sneaking some back in your suitcase!

Although one of my personal highlights was a visit to the relaxing Claudius Therme, an amazing thermal spa with beautiful hidden views, saunas and nudity? I really loved my first naked sauna experience, it was very liberating to say the least. The ability to be free and the comfort everyone felt in their own skin was refreshing to see, which often seems to be scarce here in the UK... sometimes I think we must have a sort of naked shame which I believe many find hard to shun...but not me 😝. I was lucky enough to spend the whole day lounging and recharging (treated to an amazing foot massage if I must say) before a lovely dinner, an experience to remember.

*Pictured : Me in a bikini which you can assure was removed after this shot + some sneaky pictures I managed to capture because as you can imagine "no phones allowed" but I've never really been one to follow the rules.💋

  • Tamara Monáe

During the hard times we've face over the past couple of years, I've learnt to appreciate the smaller things our little planet has to offer. My Sundays used to be filled with cosy pjs and endless movies (I mean I am still guilty sometimes) but now I find myself walking by the water and enjoying the light brisk air in the mornings on my chill days. I want to explore more of what nature has to give us,I visit sunny Scotland frequently and one place I'd like to tick off my bucket list is Ben Vane near Loch Lomond the views look absolutely beautiful. I was lucky enough to have an amazing coastal date last week followed by a hearty fish and chip lunch with macaroons to finish off, some shots I took showing off the coast in all its beauty.

*All dates shared on my blog have been with permission. Some tales are better left untold...

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